Monday, August 10, 2015

Public Service Message

For All Parents and All Teenagers:

I just saw last nights episode of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver on my DVR. As always the main topic offered me serious giggle mixed with abject horror. I deleted it and went looking for the other shows I'd missed this weekend. Then I realized there are a lot of states where the kids are getting really fucked up information. And plenty of their parents don't have HBO.

 For all of those people... And for everyone else in need for a good laugh/confirmation the GOP has a terrifying agenda even for the kids...

Happy Monday Y'all. Kisses all around,

Your Mean Progressive


  1. John Oliver is great but I wish he had been the one that replaced John Stewart! He has already shown that he is more than capable of filling those very big shoes

  2. Just like you've posted here, anyone who doesnt have HBO (like me) can see the shows on Youtube.

  3. Just like you've posted here, anyone who doesnt have HBO (like me) can see the shows on Youtube.

    1. Right... But having not seen the show last night, how would you (or anyone else) know what the different segments were about?
