Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Kochs Are Feeling the Bern!

The Koch Brothers kicked off 2015 making an $889 million bet with Americans that they could buy their very own government in 2016. Now, merely six months later, it sounds as if Americans are sending back a resounding, "Nu'huh..."

I have marveled repeatedly at their capacity to build a backward political movement based solely on hate. I feared that enough people wouldn't realize what was going on in time to stop them. Every election cycle they have been able to add to their arsenal of assholes and it seemed almost impossible to get things turned around after they had such a triumph last fall adding both a leader for 47 traitors and a train wreck inside a pair of Wonder Bread bags to Congress along with about a dozen others who promised to do whatever the Koch Brothers asked.

It has really seemed to all be falling into place for them. I am sure there is a sense of security to go with their sense of accomplishment which may have hindered their capacity to see some of the flaws in their plan. Of course, the one that is the most fun for me is their belief that everyone can be bought. The Kochs created the platform and they promoted those who would be beholden to their money and do whatever they were told to ensure future elections. Poor people are so easy, huh? But they forgot something about those they were promoting. Not only are they ignorant, they are so ignorant that it doesn't occur to them that they are not really qualified to run for office. If you couple that ignorance with the arrogance that tells you a run for office would be a great idea, its not a big leap to decide that you should definitely be President of these United States. Brilliant! And now we have at least 14,860 of them competing for the Regressive Party primaries. Whoops.

Their next oversight was in the Citizens United case they demanded. In their haste to make absolute the financing of all candidates deemed necessary by the billionaire class, they forgot a single factor in the equation that could screw up the whole thing. You see, it was an imperative that the Regressive Party have the right to financially bury any candidate on the left. Americans are so stupid that the only thing we vote for, apparently, are the people with the most television ads and the swankiest t-shirts. But what if you counted on an electorate falling to your will because of your sole capacity to fund the most ignorant and most arrogant candidate and then an even more ignorant and more arrogant candidate decided that he was going to fund his own campaign?

What could be worse than that if you were a Koch Brother? Well, there is one thing that could be worse. What if this ignorant and arrogant candidate was aligning with the Regressive Party and stealing all of your talking points but lacked the political savvy to realize that those are only the dog whistles used in certain company? What if he didn't realize that he wasn't supposed to actually say those things in front of every international news station for his kick off speech? And what if he was so unfucking-believably arrogant as to never EVER take back a single thing he says and if only hires people for his staff who will completely agree with whatever he wants them to? Well, I imagine, that means you are fucked if you are a Koch Brother. Fortunately I am not. So Donald Trump is just entertainment for me. And it is glorious, I'm not gonna lie.

For those of us who pay attention to politics every year and not just the month prior to the general election, we realize that the hate speech and rhetoric is supposed to be reserved on the right just for selected rallies during the primaries. We know that you don't want the media to cover it and we know that once you make it to next summer you will have to speak to those beyond your base and bring in those who your top candidates and the basest of your base call RINOs (Republican in Name Only) because they are not radical enough. But look what your little accident just did? He just told them all what you really have to say. And he is being dropped by major corporations every day who want to disassociate themselves from his extreme views. Could there be anything worse than that for your RINOs to hear? Well, yes. They could hear reminders of this daily. While getting the daily polling figures to show that Trump is rising in the polls. Daily. Ouch! You always know you can count on the media not to  report to those RINOs about what is going on in the world because they are too busy but entrust their party to nominate the best candidate so they can walk into the polling station, check the Rs and go home. But Trump is just too juicy. They had to report it. You can hardly blame them. I bet your RINOs will have to spend a little more time researching their party now. Shit. It sucks. I'm sure it does.

If Freud were around today I believe he would define four parts of the human psyche with an addition of a super id, which he might just call Trump to avoid any confusion. Trump is presently screaming all of the hateful shit he knows the right like to hear on their radio shows and the Fox cable station with the word 'news' in its title. He lacks the political sophistication to realize when and where the hate is appropriate, however. And he lacks the capacity to humble himself or ever just shut the fuck up so I don't think we will have to worry about his turning off the rhetoric any time soon. I wonder how many high level Regressive Party strategists do facepalms every hour.

Trump campaigning in the same cycle as Bernie Sanders is offering America a profound look at the juxtaposition of two sides which many like to ignore with a quick, "All politicians are the same," or "both parties really want the same thing." Sanders is speaking not only to those who are aware of what the Kochs have done politically, but also those who may not understand exactly what their effects have been but are still pissed about the overall economic catastrophe created by their ideals of austerity and disavowed commitments to America and her citizens.

Beautiful Bernie Sanders is the revelation no one could see coming. No one was supposed to take him seriously. He proudly identifies as a Socialist and that is a word Americans have been conditioned to recognize as a bad word. Again, in true Koch arrogance, they assume all Americans are as ignorant as the teabaggers. Even if someone had heard its negative connotations and is only just becoming politically aware, we all have dictionary apps, or at least Google. The majority of Americans do not learn from memes and could read the definition of Socialist, contrast that with the oligarchy we are obviously heading for and consider that theory a healthy alternative.

Americans are excitedly awakening to the messages of Bernie Sanders. And it's only beginning. It is July 2015. So many people are not even paying attention to what is going on in the political realm  yet. Many are disgusted with the way things are going but are not involved enough to quite put it in words or understand how and why things are the way the are, at present. It is hard to believe that people exist who literally don't want to discuss why women make less than men or why any state in America would be flying an official Confederate flag or why anyone is considering a law to prevent a baker from having to make a cake for a gay wedding, but they exist. With one thoughtful conversation about the futures they want to offer their families, it could be the beginning of a true American revolution toward the left. One conversation at a time.

Because the people who aren't paying attention often do so because they don't have time, the best message we can send them to guarantee their participation is about the economy. About their economy, in particular. The candidates on the right are saying they want to eradicate the IRS. Have that conversation with a rational human being. Feel free to explain they have no proposals on how society will function without the myriad benefits afforded by our present tax structure (the one guaranteed by the Constitution they are so desperate to defend), and be sure to make sure they understand that the only reason this is important is because the billionaires who fund those campaigns (and who generally pay a much smaller tax rate than whomever you're speaking to) would just rather not participate in taxation. Sanders is sincere. He is believable and he speaks as if his audience is peopled with free-thinking human beings.

Forward this and let him see why you are so excited:

Every month his support will grow as he continues to explain the how's and why's about the deteriorating middle class and people see that he actually gives a shit about the environment. America's disaffected voters will continue to be reignited as they realize that Bernie doesn't fumble to find the answer he thinks will appeal to a targeted audience, as he quickly answers every question very matter-of-factly as if he sincerely believes in what he is offering the voters. What a revelation! And his answers just so happen to coincide with most Americans.

I am reminded of the report card the Regressive Party gives itself after every election cycle where they remind themselves that they need to start getting people involved in the party who are women and people of color. It seems like it comes up daily from one pundit or another and I still realize I am shaking my head when they say it every time. Those on the right are literally so far out of touch that they do not realize when they say, "We need to find a way to reach out beyond our base," that intelligent audiences can hear them saying, "We have to find the right words to convince women and minorities that we don't really hate them." Its as if they think we are so stupid as to fall for their rhetoric if phrased properly and fail to notice the laws they try to pass, the laws they refuse to pass, and the awful things they say to make sure their base doesn't feel forgotten.

Bernie Sanders isn't pandering to anyone. He hasn't had to evolve on any of his positions to appeal to anyone. In fact, I bet he has staff are frustrated because he won't take advice on the 'right thing to say' to the media. The glaring difference between our wild card and theirs, however, is truthiness (thanks Colbert - wink). Sanders isn't saying anything new. He isn't trying to build a following by denouncing the majority of the country. He isn't building a following by trying to convince us that we are superior to the 'others.' Bernie Sanders respects his constituents. He wants us to know what is really going on. And he wants us to know that he really knows what is going on. The most amazing part of the whole thing is, he actually has ideas about how to fix what is going on.

Sanders won't find many billionaires to back him. Unlike the CEOs and fat cats comfortably eased into this economy they've demanded, many of Sanders' supporters won't have a lot of money to offer his campaign. However, the beauty of an Internet that can create and perpetuate a political movement solely based on hate is that it can also do the opposite. Bernie has had the largest turnouts by far of any politician of this season. He has had no empty rooms nor has he had to pay actors $50/each to attend a kick off and wear shitty t-shirts. Bernie has not had anyone screaming absurd demands of their chosen presidential candidate to rewrite the Constitution to mirror the Bible, promote discrimination or begging for protection from the Muslim tyrant known in sane circles as President Obama. All of these distinctions will make it easier for a solid and well organized team to inform America about this new candidate they keep not quite hearing about. And they will need to hear about him as soon as possible because hundreds of millions of people takes a long time to contact.

I hope the Koch maids are working overtime scrubbing stained underwear because this shit is getting real.

Hey David and Charles, don't feel too bad. Off of the top of my head I can think of at least 50 legitimate American charities which don't bear your names who could sincerely make positive use of your $889 million. If you want a list I would be glad to fax it to your private secretary's personal assistant's admin. Just let me know.

Kiss kiss.
The Mean Progressive

UPDATE: I leave this post on my website because it is important for the Sanders supporters to realize how excited I was about his campaign. Before I vetted him. I am 100% supportive of Secretary Clinton and am ashamed and disgusted by the negative campaign Sanders has decided to run. I could write a fucking book. 

I found a piece that encapsulates everything I would want to say if I could think straight when I try to write about how furious Sanders makes me. The writer suffers an even more profound verbosity than my own, but please take the time to read it. No thinking person who makes it to the end would support his toxic campaign. Kiss Kiss...

This is where I am now after thoughtful reflection.


  1. I am really hopeful that he can pull this off.

    1. I do, too. But if he can't I hope the left can unite and still support whomever we have on the ticket. We could lose the Supreme Court for an entire generation and if they get any more of their cronies in Congress we will not ever be able to undo the evil they will do to us.

  2. brilliantly written, entertaining and informative! Love your piece and am looking forward to hearing more from you on our mutual crush, Senator Sanders. I am 55 am excited for a candidate for the very first time!

    1. Michele, I gotta say, you just absolutely made my day. Thank you so much. I am so glad that you are excited. It really is hard to find people to really get jazzed about these days isn't it? And if you need someone to give it to you straight, there is no question with Bernie. Its so fun to hear him and KNOW you are not being bullshitted.

  3. Bernie Sanders is socialist. He says so himself. FDR was really despised because of his "socialism". The problem is that not only have people forgotten, they just have never known about...child labor, the sheer number of uneducated people, pre-safe and reliable birth control, families being abused by men who faced no real prosecution, workers' being exploited unto death, pre-EPA environmental conditions, pre-FDA, pre-corporate regulations and anti-trust laws, pre-civil rights legislation, pre-Roe vs Wade ruling, pre-Social Security, poverty stricken senior citizens, , ,... Bernie Sanders has become highly relevant because of the systemic method of the right wing to reverse tried-and-proven social advances. Do they somehow really believe that humans have changed so much that regulatory programs and laws are no longer needed? They believe that everyone is now capable and willing to do the right thing on their own simply because people are so much more enlightened and good now?

    1. Somehow I missed replying to you forever ago. I apologize. You are right, of course. We need to keep reminding people who are willing to listen what Socialism is and why the distinctions between Socialism and the handful of ideologies that stuck the word in the title of their own while becoming monstrous regimes are so important. Thank you, Joanne Renshaw.

  4. I wanna be a mean progressive too!!! Oh, wait, I already am. Yeah, I campaigned for George McGovern, Frances Farenthold who argued Rove v. Wade, and I am OUT OF PAtienCE. My grandchildren need CHANGE NOW.

    1. I wasnt a mean progressive until I got on Twitter earlier this year and came across the many teabaggers who seem to just exist to spread hate. I became mean pretty quickly after that. LOL. I bet your grandchildren are proud to have you fight for them. :) Keep it up! Together the left will get things done this time. Dammit!

  5. "... sincerely make positive use of your $889 billion ..." should be an "m" not a "b". That would be really frightening.

    1. HA!!!! Thank you. I just literally laughed out loud. That would be Frightening. :)

  6. Waiting for the Billionaires for Bernie to put up the big bucks.
    Want a Bernie Sanders/Willie Nelson bumper sticker.
    The first Willie Nelson concert for Bernie will raise $10 Million bucks.

    1. Oh crap that would be glorious! Not kidding. He could have TONS of people do shows for him. I know Neil Young is supporting him, too. (Because he nailed Trump for using his music). I would proudly put that sticker on my car, too. :)

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